Custom-Made Birthday Invitation

Our custom-made birthday invitation was such a fun and colourful project. It is always a pleasure creating a pop-up which we tailor to an individual client’s tastes. For this project, we worked closely with a party planner, who knew exactly what the client and their guests would love.

Format: Portrait
Client: Private Client
Size: 190mm x 250mm


While creating the custom-made birthday invitation, we really wanted to capture the spirit of anticipation and excitement everyone feels in the lead up to a party. We were lucky enough to collaborate with the talented illustrator, Fin Fellowes. Her artwork and caligraphy really set the mood for the invite, with stylish palm tree fronds, sun parasols, glittering sea water, and panther motifs. Working with these illustrations, we designed an interactive single-spread pop-up.

In the centre of the spread, we made a raised floating layer to display the main information for the party. We decided to embellish some of the lettering with opal-coloured foiling, which glows and glimmers in the light. We added pull tabs either side of the floating platform. These open to reveal small, opening doors with mini pop-ups hidden below. There are cards and decorative palm fronds surrounding the middle platform, and these fan out as the invitation opens.

To give the invites a truly luxurious feel, we used high-quality, textured card. Once we designed the pop-up elements, we organised printing locally and used our team of assemblers to manufacture each invitation by hand. Next, we arranged postage and packaging to the party planner who distributed them to the client’s guests. We were thrilled to hear the invites were very popular with all of the guests, as well as the client. We believe every celebration should begin with a truly special invitation. Over the years, we have worked with many private clients to create personalised pop-ups. If you are looking for a one-of-a-kind invitation, get in touch or request a quote.

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