Crescent Moon Invite

Our crescent moon wedding invite was such a pleasure to design. From the moment the couple got in touch with their idea, we knew our curtain-card design would work brilliantly, and their invites would be special.

Format: Landscape
Client: Private Client
Size: 190mm x 250mm

When the couple first got in touch, they wanted the invitations to not only announce their big day, but also capture the wedding’s celestial theme. This theme was based on the idea of their relationship being like the sun and the moon. Instantly, we knew that our curtain-card design would be perfect for them, and we began working on a few ideas.

The groom-to-be provided the artwork for the invitations: beautiful, cosmic motifs of the sun and the moon. Using his illustrations, we began to explore different ways of using our curtain-card design to animate the invite and create a captivating pop-up.

Our curtain-card design has two positions – open and closed – which was perfect for depicting the two images. In its closed position, the couple’s names are superimposed across a gigantic sun, with dramatic wisps and rays. Lovely floral watercolour illustrations surround the sun and provide a border. The pull-tabs open to reveal a crescent moon hidden behind the sun. In this position, the couple’s names form a beautiful silhouette. In the end, the crescent moon wedding invite was a great success. The invites created a buzz in the lead up to the wedding. Also, guests held on to them as keepsake to remember the couple’s special day.

crescent moon invite

It is always such a pleasure designing wedding invitations. The excitement is always contagious and helps us to design wonderful pop-ups. Over the years, we have made plenty of invitations, for example our floral wedding invitation. If you are interested in creating your own pop-up invitation, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch or request a quote.

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